Sunday, July 20, 2008

It's Easy as P.I.E. - Implementation

*Note - Adjusting Easy as P.I.E.E -> P.I.E*

So, after further research into the definitions of implement and execute, I learned that they were pretty redundant. After discovering this, I have revised P.I.E.E to P.I.E with the steps (Plan, Implement, Evaluate). This will be adjusted in previous posts as well as in all further posts referring to this idea.

I. Introduction

Having a great plan is essential to carrying out a great idea, but unfortunately, those words on paper do not translate into action. Step two of "It's easy as P.I.E" involves the implement phase which involves carrying out the changes in your everyday life.

  • Definition of Implement
    • Implement - to put into effect according to or by means of a definite plan or procedure. (Definition Link)

II. Importance of Implementation

  • This is the phase where the plan becomes action.
  • This allows you to establish a sense of accountability for carrying out the plan
  • Requires discipline and change in behavior

III. Methodology to Implementation
  • Set up the necessary resources to accomplish the plan
    • For example, if you plan on establishing an Emergency Fund, go through the steps of completing an online application for the account immediately, even if you cannot fund it at the moment.
  • Take Baby Steps
    • Slowly convert to follow your plan so you will not overwhelm yourself with so many changes at one time.
    • Rome was not built in a day and typically your plan will not be fulfilled overnight.
    • Give you a chance to have smaller successes which helps to boost confidence and propel you forward.
  • Create a task-list of your progress to celebrate accomplishments

IV. Summary

A plan is only as good as the steps taken to put it to action. This may be the hardest step because implementing a plan takes one out of a comfort zone and forces them to make a change. After this change has become part of permanent behavior, then it requires small tweaks as covered in the evaluation stage.

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